One of the more unusual music videos I have made. The band did not want to do a traditional band performance video. Instead they wanted a film where they didn't appear at all. So we see created something that compliments and contrasts with the symphonic metal of the music - a contemporary dance piece. I collaborated with a dance team and we shot the whole thing on a full steadicam rig.

This is a music video for the song 'The Final Redoubt' by the rock band Imaginaerium. Normally I use an entire crew on a project like this, but budget restraints meant I had to shoot the whole film myself. Luckily Laura (lead vocals) put in an enthusiastic performance so I built the project around her. I was also able to choreograph a group of Viking re-enactment folk to create some thrilling battle scenes. Smoke and a snow machine helped a lot as did a couple of CG shots!

I made this music video for the band Storm Deva. This was an ambitious project visually as the lyrics called for a ship to sail through a storm and encounter supernatural forces. We shot the majority of the live action in a green screen studio. I then built the ship and the performance stage in Cinema 4D. This was all composited in After Effects. I'm very pleased with the results - however these days I would use the Unreal Engine for such complexity.

This song is from the third 'Alchemy' musical by Clive Nolan, following the intrepid Professor King on his steampunk adventures. This is a short comic number and, for fun, we decided to present it in the style of South Park. The video features numerous prog rock front men and Clive appears himself at the merch store. This took 10 long days of old fashioned animation to complete.